When looking for a breed of cattle look no further than the British White. For many reasons it is a breed that is suitable all seasons.
Beef farmers graze their cattle on some of the most unforgiving terrain in the world. Range land is generally range land because it is unsuitable for anything else, and while it often has good grass in some spots it can be rugged and wild in others. Choosing a breed that can survive difficult conditions is vital to ranchers, as even one lost or malnourished animal can hit hard on the balance sheet. The British White is the perfect choice for breeders who graze their cattle in the wild, and is also a good choice for those who farm in either warm or extremely cold locales.
The British White has a long and distinguished history. The breed has been linked to the Romans, who occupied Britain until around 400 A.D. When the Romans left, the cattle were released into the wild, where they survived without human intervention for more than a thousand years. Much of the breed’s hardiness can be attributed to this long period of natural selection; the cattle that could not survive were slowly weeded out, and only the strongest and most hardy examples of the breed were allowed by nature to continue. Since the breed was re-domesticated in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, selective breeding has only enhanced the strengths of the breed.
One of the keys to the British White’s hardiness is its ability to survive on lean pasture. Animals released onto pasture will survive and thrive, even in the most difficult years; a result, perhaps, of the breed having to survive all kinds of difficulties during its long years in the wild. Mama cows produce more than enough milk to raise their calves and produce enough milk to handle the high incidence of twins in the breed. If you are forced to sacrifice feeding with grain due to economic or drought conditions, you can still expect your British White cattle to do very well on grass. Another bonus is that if your range land is remote, you can release your cows without worrying too much about calving; the British White has a history of easy calving, with calves born in the 70 pound range with low polled heads.
The breed can also survive the coldest of winters with as much ease as they weather the warmest conditions on the planet; the British White is raised all over North America as well as in Brazil and Australia. The breed has a natural resistance to diseases like viral pneumonia and tuberculosis, and rarely experience hoof problems.
Many breeds of cattle are available from which ranchers can choose. However, if you ranch in difficult conditions, or if you are starting your herd on a tight budget, the British White is an excellent all-around choice. This unique breed has a hardiness that allows it to survive difficult conditions, save you money on veterinarians and medicine, and still produces choice and select grade beef. When it comes to quality cattle, the British White is by far the most superior choice.
Edited from Morris Halliburton