About The Society

The Society

The Society

British White cattle first appeared in Australia in 1958 with the importation of three purebred heifers from Norfolk in the United Kingdom. The herd was developed to a high level before being dispersed in 1971. From this a number of herds and breeding programs developed and it soon became evident that a society was essential to further develop the breed in Australia.

In 1982 The British White Cattle Society of Australia was formed following an inaugural meeting of breeders and other interested persons held at the Royal Agricultural Society Show Grounds in Randwick, New South Wales.

Since establishment the British White Cattle Society of Australia has remained faithful to the original objectives and continues to grow. We have around 50 members with around 800 registered cattle.

Our Objectives

The principal objectives of the Society are:

  • To publicise and promote the breeding, development, exhibition and sale of British White cattle in Australia
  • To prescribe a required breed type and characteristics of British White cattle
  • To prescribe regulations for the purpose of regulating and controlling the affairs of the Society
  • To import or assist with importation of British White cattle, semen and fertilised ova registered in approved overseas Herd Books
  • To compile and manage a Herd Book of British White Cattle in Australia.

What We Do

Breed Promotion

Through our website, publications and event attendance we promote awareness of British Whites as well as its significant advantages in the livestock industry and its importance as a rare breed. We supply information and advice to non members to encourage breeding or the establishment of new herds.

Breed Protection

The British White is considered a rare breed with only comparatively small herds world wide. We intend to see the breed thrive in Australia and become a more significant in the livestock industry through its natural advantages.

Australian British White Herd Book

The Society has been diligent since its inception to manage the British White Herd Book. Since 2009 this has been maintained by the Australian Beef Research Institute.

Member Support

Through our meetings and other events we help create a comminuty of breeders and owners where they can exchange expertise, knowledge and friendship in all things British White.


The Society holds meetings twice a year (March and October) to conduct Society business in accordance of our constitution. We choose various locations across Australia at which new and prospective members are made very welcome. This also gives us the opportunity to visit and inspect herds nearby.

A society logo, still in use today, was designed and drawn foundation council member, Mrs Annmarie L. Ingham of “Mulberry Hill”, Orange.  It features the head of her prize bull “Underhill Colonel”.

New Members

We always encourage people with British Whites to become members and we offer a number of membership categories including Full, Associate, Commercial and Junior.

Brooklands Organic Farms – Blampeid Vic

Strategic Plan


British White – the grass fed beef of choice.


To deliver services that increase awareness, quality and numbers of British White Cattle
in Australia.

Guiding Principles

We look, sound and act professional at all times
We encourage and value new ideas and skills
We provide efficient and effective service delivery to our members
We provide cohesive, innovative and proactive leadership.